Companies also prefer Simpelfix

  • We visit you at your office so your valuable iPhones don't need to leave the building.
  • Our vetted engineers will help your employees within minutes.
  • At a time when 'corporate social responsibility' is the norm, choose Simpelfix.
Contact us


ICT Manager – Ebbinge

01 Sep 2020

The reason for us to use Simpelfix is that our employees can continu working with our candidates while Simpelfix replaces the iPhone screens. Employees save important hours. And thus money.

Office Manager – Loyens & Loeff

01 Mar 2020

We chose Simpelfix because they reduced the cost per repair for us with more than 20%. They also give 12m warranty on all repairs.

Facilities Manager – Freshfields

04 Nov 2024

The most important reason to choose Simpelfix is that our iPhones with all data on it don’t need to leave the building. The Simpelfix’ engineer visits our office, and is in and out in less than 40 minutes.


Simpelfix will come to your office. When it is convenient to your employees.

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